Stop Asking Your Children For The Answers

“On Friday March 15th 2019 well over 1,5 million students school striked for the climate in 2083 places in 125 countries on all continents.
The favorite argument here in Sweden (and everywhere else…) is that it doesn’t matter what we do because we are all too small to make a difference. Friday’s manifestation was the biggest day of global climate action ever, according to It happened because a few schoolchildren from small countries like Sweden, Belgium and Switzerland decided not to go to school because nothing was being done about the climate crisis. We proved that it does matter what you do and that no one is too small to make a difference.

People keep asking me ”what is the solution to the climate crisis.” And how do we ”fix this problem”. They expect me to know the answer.
That is beyond absurd as there are no ”solutions” within our current systems. No one ”knows” exactly what to do. That’s the whole point. We can’t just lower or heighten some taxes or invest in some ”green” funds and go on like before.

Yes there are many many things that are very good and necessary, and improves the situation. Such as solar- and wind power, circular economy, veganism, sustainable farming and so on. But even those are just parts of a greater picture.

We can no longer only focus on individual and separate issues like electrical cars, nuclear power, meat, aviation, bio fuels etc etc. We urgently need a holistic view to adress the full sustainability crisis and the ongoing ecological disaster. And this is why I keep saying that we need to start treating the crisis as the crisis it is. Because only then – and only guided by the best available science (as is clearly stated throughout the Paris Agreement) can we together start creating the global way forward.
But that can never happen as long as we allow the ”yeah-but-what-about-nuclear-power-then-debate” to go on and on and on. This is wasting our time. This is climate delayer-ism. We need to keep a great number of thoughts in our head at same time and yet move forward with the changes at unprecedented speed.

Nuclear power, according to the IPCC, can be a small part of a very big new carbon free energy solution, especially in countries and areas that lack the possibility of a full scale renewable energy supply – even though its extremely dangerous, expensive and time consuming. But let’s leave that debate until we start looking at the full picture.

Some people seem so desperate to go on with the comforts and luxuries of their every day life that they tell others to not have any children. As children, speaking for our little sisters and brothers, we don’t find that very encouraging. It is not us or future generations who have created this. And yet – once again – you blame us.

If not even the scientists, politicians, media and the UN currently can speak up on what exactly needs to be done to ”solve” the climate crisis (in other words, dramatically lowering our emissions starting today) , then how could we, some schoolchildren, know? How can you leave that burden to us?

Once you have done your homework, you realize that we need new politics. We need a new economics, where everything is based on our rapidly declining and extremely limited carbon budget.

But that is not enough. We need a whole new way of thinking. The political system that you have created is all about competition. You cheat when you can because all that matters is to win. To get power. That must come to an end. We must stop competing with each other. We need to start cooperating and sharing the remaining resources of this planet in a fair way. We need to start living within the planetary boundaries, focus on equity and take a few steps back for the sake of all living species.
We are just passing on the words of the science. Our only demand is that you start listening to it. And then start acting.

So please stop asking your children for the answers to your own mess.”

Everything above is taken from Greta Thunberg’s Facebook post of March 17, 2019.

Environment Before All Else

“But I don’t want your hope…. I want you to act as you would in a crisis. I want you to act as if the house is on fire. Because it is.” – Greta Thunberg, World Economic Forum, Davos 2019
(AP Photo / Markus Schreiber)

I am incredibly impressed and equally embarrassed by the existence of Greta Thunberg, a 16 year old student from Sweden who has single-handedly reinvigorated the climate action movement by engaging in a School Strike for Climate at her school every Friday since August 2018. Initially it was only her, stationed alone with her sign outside the Swedish Parliament. Now she is joined each Friday by tens of thousands of students and others in cities around the world expressing the futility of attending school or going to work until economic and political leaders around the world treat climate change as the existential crisis we already know it is.

Her movement of fear and desperation is growing.

Greta speaks with simple and direct clarity. She has no time to waste on climate poseurs or deniers. She doesn’t ask for sympathy. She rejects those who deliver words of false hope without delivering action. She is a realist who is afraid of what is coming in her lifetime.

Her message is clear: The Earth is warming unsustainably. The burning of fossil fuels and the gases they create are the undeniable root cause of this warming. The greed of a handful of people and corporations cause them to pretend (or lie) that it’s not happening. So that those few can become obscenely rich a purposeful denial and misinformation campaign has been executed around the world that slows or stops effective countermeasures from being employed. Time is running out and that insidious greed may very well doom humanity to inescapable and horrible outcomes.

At Davos, Greta said to a panel of wealthy attendees, “Some people, some companies, some decision makers in particular have known exactly what priceless values they have been sacrificing to continue making unimaginable amounts of money. I think many of you here today belong to that group of people.”

All of this from Ms. Thunberg inspires me immensely. What embarrasses me is that it is all being spoken by a 16 year old Swedish girl in 2019. Where have I – and the rest of us – been hiding to not have been this serious about climate change a hell of a lot sooner than today? So many of us have known what’s happening but continued to act nonchalantly. We’ve behaved like time is unlimited and tiny, almost irrelevant changes will have actual impact. They will not.

Global data set compilation generated by NASA

For me, and hopefully for billions of us, this stops here and now.

Every action I take and every decision I make will be guided and informed by the scientific fact that the planet is warming and that the consequences are severe, disastrous to humans and the natural world, and that those consequences are existentially significant.

This will include but not be limited to:

  • I will not support any political candidate without an aggressive climate change action plan being key to their agenda and platform
  • I will not support any political party without an aggressive climate change action plan being key to their agenda and platform
  • I will actively work against any and all human beings, corporations, and political entities who implicitly or explicitly dabble in climate denial
  • I will not tolerate those – in life and on social media – who minimize the environmental threat before us
  • Every life decision I make will be run through the filter of climate change sanity before being acted upon
  • I will work to inform, educate, and motivate others to take similar positions and actions

Like the courageous Greta Thunberg, who said, “I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day and then I want you to act,” I will be a realist.

I will let environmental panic be my guiding light.

Kindness and Respect

The potential kindness of human beings can be so powerful and wholly transformative.

The conscious choice of a person or a group of persons to express kindness into the world through their words and actions can lift others, motivate their best selves, and shine light into an often darkened world. Add respect to that mix and those dividends are enhanced and multiplied.

The actor Mark Ruffalo recently did something simple and effective. Actually it was the second year running he had done this. He bought a $100 gift card from Starbuck’s. He posted the card, along with the bar code, on his Twitter account, inviting anyone who saw it to go get a cup of coffee on him or to add dollars to the card so others could benefit. A while later he did the same with a Barnes and Noble gift card, offering a free book to those who wished to take advantage.

No big deal, right?

It so often seems that we take all for granted, expecting others to show kindness to us while not making a lot of effort in the outward direction. The effort to do a kind act or to speak a kind word is minimal.

Challenge yourself to give it a try. You will lighten someone’s burden in life, even if just for a moment. You will be a richer, more fulfilled human being.

It is worth the effort.

Joy and Safety

In four days I will complete my 65th trip around our closest star. The stunned surprise I feel from saying that is difficult to overstate. I am also ecstatic to say it.

From the moment I was born at the end of the Korean War in a Naval Hospital in Bremerton, Washington I have loved being alive and tangled in the human experience. It can often be messy but in the end it is what we have. We are conscious. We can experience. We possess memory. We have our senses and our emotions.

We live.

In these pages I will think out loud through words. I will look back. I will explore the present. I will dream of the future. I will live up to the Mission statement my wife, Julie, and I share:

“To manifest health, safety, and joy for ourselves, family, friends, and our shared planet.”

Let’s get on with it.